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"Voice Clone" Creates Lifelike Digital Experiences - Joplin Globe The technology of voice cloning has recently made strides in its ability to create lifelike digital experiences. The technology uses a combination of text-to-speech (TTS) and artificial intelligence to create a realistic clone of a person’s voice. This technology has proved a great advancement in making the digital interactions seem more "human" than ever before. First, the technology utilizes text-to-speech (TTS) in order to create a voice clone. Any text input can be converted into a synthetic human speech. This helps to make artificial intelligence-driven conversations more natural and lifelike due to the added layer of realism. Second, the technology includes artificial intelligence by taking a sample of a person’s voice and then using it as a template for other conversations. This process helps to make the digital interactions seem more natural and personable, as if they are being spoken to by a real person. Third, the technology also enables for the customization of the voice clone by allowing users to make changes in terms of the tone, pitch, and intonation of the voice. This enables users to create a voice that is more unique and tailored to them and their needs. Finally, the voice clone technology has been beneficial in creating more natural and lifelike digital experiences. By removing barriers in terms of language and location, users are now able to have digital conversations that sound as if they are being spoken to by an actual person. The technology has made strides in changing the way we interact with computers and digital assistants, creating more realistic and natural experiences that ultimately make digital conversations more enjoyable.