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Scammers are using voice cloning technology to fool victims into giving out personal information. The technology uses artificial intelligence to mimic human voices, and it is becoming increasingly easy to access and use. Scammers are utilizing the latest technology to scam unsuspecting victims - voice cloning. Voice cloning is a form of artificial intelligence that can mimic human voices and is the newest tool used by scammers to get victims to reveal sensitive information. Voice cloning technology is becoming increasingly accessible and easy to use, making it a powerful tool for scammers to exploit. Scammers use AI technology to automatically generate realistic audio recordings, allowing them to impersonate a voice from a previous recording. The level of sophistication of these voice clones means even technology-savvy people can be tricked into believing the person on the other end is actually who they say they are. The ability to generate text-to-speech recordings that sound identical to a real person has made it harder to identify and distinguish a fake caller from a real one. It's important to be aware of the technology being used to scam people and to protect oneself from falling for malicious schemes. Keeping an eye out for signs of voice cloning technology being used could help save you from becoming a victim of scams. It is vital to remain vigilant and remain aware of the various forms of scamming technology being used in order to stay protected from criminals.