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Voice Cloning - Exploring the Prevalence of AI In a Popular Video Game's Controversial Mods The recently released video game Skyrim is a wildly popular open world action-RPG that has gained a tremendous amount of traction among gamers. However, this same popularity has also made it a target for video game modders who explore the boundaries of the game. As a result, some of these mods have pushed the boundaries into the realm of NSFW content, leading many to question the legality and morality of these creations. One particular feature of these NSFW Skyrim mods is the use of AI voice cloning technology to create realistic sounding characters. This technology has been used to create virtual avatars that sound like real people, often times without their permission, leaving these virtual actors feeling exploited and underappreciated. Although the technology is quite impressive, it's easy to see why virtual actors are not happy with the current state of NSFW Skyrim mods. For one, the technology blurs the line between reality and fiction, making it difficult to distinguish between legal and illegal content. Furthermore, without the permission of the original actor, it's impossible to know if their likeness is being used within the mod. Ultimately, the use of AI voice cloning technology in controversial Skyrim mods highlights the importance of legal protection for virtual actors. While such technology can be used for positive purposes, such as in educational tools, its misuse can lead to a potential violation of actors' rights. As such, it is important for game mods to adhere to the same standards as other mediums, such as films and TV, when it comes to incorporating AI voice cloning technology.