'AI Voice Clone Used for Terrifying Prank Call' A Colorado mother has issued a warning after she received a phone call from an AI voice clone of her daughter. The call, which came out of the blue and left the parent shaken, is a cautionary reminder of how easily artificial intelligence technology can be used to mimic a person's voice. Alicea Felts was at home when the call came. “I heard a voice saying ‘Mom, it’s me.’ I recognized it as my daughter’s voice, but there was something off about it,” recalled Felts. After a few moments of confusion, the voice whispered “I’ve got your daughter.” Felts hung up immediately, realizing it was a prank call. After researching online, Felts discovered that it was an AI voice clone of her daughter that had been used for the call. AI voice cloning is a growing technology where a computer is trained to mimic a person’s speech patterns and habits. The technology is often used for automated customer service calls, but it can also be used for nefarious purposes. Felts is now warning parents about the dangers of AI voice cloning. “It’s frightening how easy it is to artificially replicate someone’s voice,” she said. “Nowadays we have to be more vigilant than ever before to protect our children’s privacy and safety.” Felts is encouraging parents to speak to their children about the potential risks of AI voice cloning, and to be extra cautious when receiving unfamiliar calls. |